Legal Resources for Creatives

Welcome to our new page with links to the legal resources including intellectual property, legal and tax information, understanding a publishing contract, children's privacy online, and more. These links do not constitute legal advice--they are provided as a starting point for research. 



Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Violate Copyright?


Public Domain

Say you want to refer to a fairy tale or use the words of a nursery rhyme. Some resources on how to figure out if a work is in the public domain.

U.S. Copyright Office - online searchable database


Tax & Business Law

Beginner's Guide to Accounting for Freelancers

Understanding Your Book Contract

Hooray! You have a contract. Here are some articles to help you understand it and identify potential issues.

Deal Breakers 2013: Contract Terms Writers Should Avoid (WMG Writer's Guide) Ebook

Absolute Write: "Negotiating Your Book Contract: 20 'Must' Topics to Talk About" Part 1

Absolute Write: "Negotiating Your Book Contract: 20 'Must Topics to Talk About" Part 2

Ivan Hoffman: "The Ten Key Negotiating Points in an Author-Publisher Contract" "What Not to Miss When Drafting & Negotiating Your Book Publishing Contract" "First Publishing Contract"

Publishing Crawl: Contracts

Income as a Writer: Understanding Subrights

Life Plus 70 (Agent Ethan Ellenberg talks about negotiating rights)

PubCrawl Podcast: Publishing 201 Advances and Royalties

An Agent Explains the Ins and Outs of Book Deals

The Harmful Impact of Audible Exclusive Audiobooks

Understanding Your Agent Contract


If your website or blog is targeted to children under 13, you need to know the legal requirements for ensuring their privacy.

Children's Privacy: Online Information That You Need to Know

Complying with COPPA: Frequently Asked Questions (if you are running a website geared towards children, or creating children's apps, this is a must read)

COPPA and You (Roxie Munro)

Fair Practices for Collecting Information From Children and COPPA Compliance


Author's Guild - provides free legal review of publishing contracts and other resources (like media liability insurance) for members (first year dues are $90)

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts - list of resources and information about intellectual property and other legal issues
