Mentor Programs

© Kathryn Rammell

One of best ways to learn your craft and the business of children's writing is to get a mentor. You can network and find mentors individually, or apply to organized programs. Here are several highly recommended mentorship programs:

The Power of Mentorship: Or How Roald Dahl Helped Me Become a Writer

Picture Books

  • What: a 4-month mentorship with an agented picture book author or agent, exclusive workshops from industry professionals, publishing business intensives, community building, more
  • Who: un-agented picture book authors, illustrators, and author-illustrators, plus agented PB creators without agented-represented picture book deals
  • When: apply for mentorship March 18-April 4



Middle Grade/YA/Adult

Nevada SCBWI Mentor Program
  • What: a six-month mentorship for advanced MG & YA writers with two in-person conferences
  • Who is eligible: SCBWI members
  • When to apply: Sept. 29, 2024 (Nevada member), Oct 13 (non-Nevada members) - Oct. 27, 2024 (all applicants)
  • What: matches emerging writers and published authors for a three-month series of modules on topics such as craft, revision, publishing, and the writing life
  • Who is eligible: members of AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs)
  • When to apply: by March 31, 2023
  • What: apply to a 4-month mentorship.  
  • Who is eligible: writers of MG, YA, adult novels 
  • When to apply: watch website for details

All Levels PB-YA

  • What: apply for one of 15 one-year mentorships with award-winning book creators (PB text, illustration, MG, YA)
  • Who is eligible: children's writers or illustrators from diverse backgrounds
  • When to apply: Aug. 15-Sept. 15, 2023
Be Your Own Mentor (a website providing resources on revising, industry, craft)

  • What: a three-month mentorship for PB, MG, YA pre-published writers and/or illustrators
  • Who is eligible: yet to be published traditionally LGBTQ+ writers & illustrators
  • When to apply: Jan 15- Feb. 1, 2024

  • What: a mentorship program for writers who identify as Latinx
  • Who: un-agented, unpublished writers of books
  • When to apply: check in the fall 2024 to apply for 2025 cycle
  • What: pairs writers from underrepresented groups with experienced book publishing editors (from Simon & Schuster)
  • When to apply: keep an eye out for 2024 mentorship
  • What: work one-on-one with authors or illustrators
  • Who: SCBWI members of the Rocky Mountain Chapter
  • When to apply: by Oct. 21, 2024

Agent Mentorships

  • What:  a year long mentorship program with experienced agents to increase the promotion and retention of people in the business from historically underrepresented groups; also a summer fellowship program for college students
  • When to apply: Feb. 1 deadline for Mentorship program; March 1 for summer fellowship

  • What: A podcast about the publishing journey