The Weekly 411 (5/24/24)


© Sue Macartney

May 24, 2024 vol. 21

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updatesAre you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations and camaraderie. This week's illustration is by Sue Macartney.

Middle Grade Giveaway

We are pleased to host a giveaway of the middle grade novel, Skyriders: The Sky King, by Polly Holyoke (Viking Children's Books 2024). Enter to win a copy via the Rafflecopter below!


art © Brandon Dorman

About the Book: In this soaring adventure for fans of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief and Wings of Fire, a new kind of monster launches an attack on the empire of Prekalt. Who can Kiesandra and her skysteed turn to for help in this life-and-death battle? Fresh from their victory over the frightening chimerae monsters, Kie and N'Rah are looking forward to a quiet life on her uncle's orchard, far from the turmoil of the capital city. They miss the friends they made there, but as sky couriers, their job keeps them busy.


Then Kie unexpectedly receives a message from the emperor himself! He has an urgent mission for Kie and N'Rah—they need to find the Sky King, the elusive ruler of the wild skysteeds that soar across the land. After losing so many fighters in the Battle of a Thousand Chimerae, the empire desperately needs hundreds of winged horses for their skyfighters to ride. The wild herds are the only source, but bitter betrayals in the past have made the Sky King distrustful of humans.


Kie's unique gift of communicating with all skysteeds makes her the best person for the job, but it would take a miracle for the Sky King to trust a young girl. Then a new threat emerges in the form of huge birds of prey called vultiren. With the fearsome creatures heading straight for the wild skysteeds’ hidden refuge, Kie must convince the Sky King to ally with her—before their world is destroyed forever.


About the Author: Polly Holyoke is the award-winning author of the middle grade sci/fi Neptune Trilogy (Disney/Hyperion) and the new children’s fantasy series, Skyriders, from Viking Children’s Books. Polly grew up in Colorado and enjoys skiing, hiking, and camping in the mountains. A former classroom teacher, she believes kids need to read, write, unplug from their gadgets and spend more time… daydreaming!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

28 Great Tips from Literary Agents

A Guide to Literary Agent Etiquette



  1. Skyriders looks awesome. Would love to win a copy. Shared on Bluesky.

  2. Skyriders looks awesome. Would love to win a copy. Thank you. Shared on Bluesky.

  3. wow loved this book I shared it on twitter

  4. Skyriders looks great. I would LOVE to win a copy. And I shared this post on my Bluesky.

  5. The cover is beautiful and I can't wait to read this book.

  6. Wonderful cover on Skyriders. Thanks for the great links.


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