Author Spotlight: Deborah Halverson
© Deborah Halverson |
Oct. 24, 2014
KidLit411 is thrilled to feature author/editor DEBORAH HALVERSON in the Spotlight this week! Deborah is the author of many books, from picture books to craft and is one of the most talented people that we know! Welcome, Deborah! Her latest book, WRITING NEW ADULT FICTION was released in July 2014.
What were you like at school? Were you always good at English?
My favorite subject! Big surprise, eh?
From a young age I had an inherent
ability to string words and sentences together rhythmically, as well
as a natural inclination to read above my grade level. I was given
the gift of teachers who encouraged both of those things, and who
enthusiastically guided me as I learned the importance of organizing
one’s thoughts for clarity and persuasiveness. Writers are
manipulators as well as entertainers and informers, and knowing how
to build a passage, a chapter, a story to usher a reader through a
desired reading experience is essential. I owe every one of my
amazing teachers, big-time.
But here’s the funny thing: I had
zero confidence in my ability to come up with things to write about.
I was consciously aware of wanting an assignment to push me down a
path, and only then could I come up with stuff to write. I’d never
sit at home and write a story just out of the blue. So many writers
talk about childhood notebooks filled with original stories. Not me.
I saw myself as a good writer who needed to be assigned writing
topics, and therefore I thought I’d never be a writer even though
that’s what I secretly dreamed of doing. I thought Writers were
people born with this vault of ideas inside them, and I didn’t have
a vault.
When did you decide to become a
children's writer?
I was so convinced of my inability to
come up original ideas that I didn’t share my dream of being a
writer with anyone. What was the point? Finally, after I was already
a professional editor, I decided that I needed to either give that
dream a go or give it the heave-ho. I was tired of lugging this dead
weight dream around.
You know what I found out? That I do
have ideas for stories because it’s second nature for me to ask
myself, “What if?” I’d been doing that since I was a kid,
asking that and then answering myself in my head. Until I worked with
professional writers, I hadn’t known that “What if?” is a
classic writing prompt. It’s like giving myself a writing
assignment. Problem solved!
So one time I asked myself, “What if
you were famous for something you did as a kid, that you didn’t
even remember doing?” Over the years I’d seen many ‘Where are
they now?’ segments about Baby Jessica, the little girl in the 80s
who got trapped in a pipe when she was a toddler. The whole country
watched the news channels with bated breath as rescue workers cut
their way to this little girl over the course of days. A TV movie was
made about the incident. I thought it must be weird for news people
to show up on your porch twenty years after an event like that. What
would that be like? What if…. With that in my mind and the
need to live that dream or discard it, I sat down and wrote HONK IF YOU HATE ME, my debut novel.
Even so, I still didn’t tell anyone
what I was doing. My husband knew but gave me the room I needed to
experiement. We called it typing. “Did you type a lot today,
honey?” “Oh yes, I typed a lot today.” Only when I’d
finished the full book and knew that I not only had ideas but I also
had the commitment to finish a book did I tell anyone. And even then
it was an agent—I didn’t tell the editors I worked with until I
had a book contract at another house (to keep my two careers
Can you tell us about your newest
project? When is it being released?
I put my fiction on the backburner to
write two craft books. WRITING YOUNG ADULT FICTION FOR DUMMIES was the first, and now WRITING NEW ADULT FICTION is
pubbing. I love helping writers understand their target audience as
well as the age group they’re writing about, and then guiding them
in mixing-and-matching techniques to get the narrative sensibility
they seek and craft the story they envision.
You are such an phenomenal editor! (KidLit411 knows this first hand) Do you find it difficult to switch hats between your editing self and your writing self?
I love knowing that writers find
my input helpful. My job has that built-in warm fuzzy, and I’m
grateful for that.
I do feel of two selves when I think of
Deborah the Editor and Deborah the Writer, but I don’t do any
hat-switching with my nonfiction. That’s just about me organizing
what’s already in my head into something useful and entertaining on
the page. I feel like first draft nonfiction is already second or
third draft for me. Once I’ve chosen the topic, I’ve got my
assignment and my confidence at the keyboard doesn’t waver.
With fiction, though, wearing two hats
is a big pain in my rear. I still have that fear about ideas, and
laying out the plot and casting the characters in the first draft
tests that fear. My inner editor wants to come to the rescue and make
all the sentences pretty so that I can feel better about what I’m
doing. It’s truly a severe internal battle. Revising, though is
pure joy. Inner Editor and Writer become one, and all is happy in my
internal world again.
You have written in so many genres,
how do you get your ideas?
I question everything, and book ideas
come from that questioning. I can trace pieces of each book I’ve
written to various experiences in my life and news events I’ve
heard about. I hear things, witness things, and encounter people and
wonder, ‘What if? What would that be like?” Those topics spin
about in my head until final several line up like the cherries in a
slot machine and then the bells go off: ding ding ding ding! Jackpot!
I’ve got a story idea.
What is the hardest thing about
writing for you?
Laying down the original story is
intimidating—so many decisions to make, and so many opportunities
to second guess yourself. Your brain can tell you, “Just pin the
pieces in place, you can assess and will certainly revise later,”
but it can be challenging to get the gut to go along with that.
What is the easiest thing?
I don’t know about “easy,” but I
think revision is fun and love that part of the creative process very
much. Yes, love. It’s rewarding to feel the narrative
tighten as you work it over, and it’s intensely satisfying to step
away from what started as a big spit-up of words and see that you’ve
got something clear and entertaining and enlightening.
Do you ever get writer’s block?
I get writer’s fear. Fear of making
the wrong decisions. Fear of messing up a good idea with poor
execution. That’s my personal struggle as a writer. The best cure
for that is a deadline imposed by someone else. That old “assingment”
thing again, I guess. I can whip out books when I’m already under
contract because that forces me to make the decisions.
Do you let the book stew – leave
it for a month and then come back to it to revise or rewrite?
I’m not a stewer in the long-term
sense. I don’t care to set a project aside for weeks or months to
come at it fresh. That works for many writers and I often encourage
it for my clients. But when I’m done with a draft, I like to go
right back in and start revising—after all, revising is my favorite
part! I do mull my projects while I’m hiking or shopping or doing
the dishes. Often, I’ll revise passages in my head so that by the
time I rush to the nearest recording devise or scrap of paper, I’ve
got the tighter line I was looking for.
If you could have been the original
author of any book, what would it have been and why?
Ooh, good question! I sometimes do read
a book and think, “Gosh, I wish I’d written this. How amazing
would it be to know I created this piece of wonderful?” I’ve
thought that about THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT. The concept is so
clever and so very believeable for a child. Crayons are universal to
the childhood experience. Those pieces of colored magic are deeply
connected to childrens’ imaginations and thus a young reader can
easily go to that imaginary place where crayons have opinions about
what they are doing and personalities and voices to express those
opinions. And of course we all feel each color’s pain in that book.
I mean, yeah, brown does get totally shafted. It’s the color of
dirt and poop. That’s not a glory role in the crayon box.
What advice could you give to other
writers trying to break into publishing?
Figure out
how to get past any fears you have and just go for it. That’s what
got me writing that first novel, and that’s what gets me past the
infamous Blank Page with every new project. Be bold.
And then stay
bold, because publishing isn’t
just writing—it’s about writing for
others. “Others” being your
audience, of course, but also the professionals who’ll assess that
writing for publication, or the reviewers who will render opinions
even if you bypass industry insiders with self-publishing. Everyone
has opinions—use the positive and contructive feedback to bolster
yourself and then build on your strengths.
Can you
tell KidLit411 something about your writing process that no one else
knows? A writing habit or perhaps a ritual when you have finished a
I’ll share
my guilty pleasure: I eat when I write. It’s a very dangerous
thing. For BIG MOUTH,
which is about a competitive eater, it was downright unhealthy. I ate
as research, I ate for fun, I ate and ate and ate. When I was done
writing that manuscript, I was significantly heavier despite daily
exercise. A similar thing happened with WRITING YOUNG ADULT FICTION FOR DUMMIES,
and that book wasn’t even about food!
But now I’ve come up with a healthy way to deal with this habit: I whip up an enormous banana smoothie that is nothing but two bananas, two cups of almost milk, ice, and three scoops of raw cocoa. Dang, it’s good! It takes me hours of sipping to finish it, keeping me away from the other goodies that would otherwise be at my side. I wrote every page of WRITING NEW ADULT FICTION with a smoothie next to my computer.
But now I’ve come up with a healthy way to deal with this habit: I whip up an enormous banana smoothie that is nothing but two bananas, two cups of almost milk, ice, and three scoops of raw cocoa. Dang, it’s good! It takes me hours of sipping to finish it, keeping me away from the other goodies that would otherwise be at my side. I wrote every page of WRITING NEW ADULT FICTION with a smoothie next to my computer.
* Final
question- Do you like pizza? And if so, do you like anchovies on your
I do like
pizza. I do not like anchovies. I do not like them on a pizza, I do
not like them in a can, I do not like them any time, I DO NOT LIKE
THEM, Sam I Am.
Deborah Halverson edited children’s books for ten years—until she climbed over the desk and tried out the author’s chair on the other side. Now she is the award-winning author of WRITING YOUNG ADULT FICTION FOR DUMMIES, the forthcoming WRITING NEW ADULT FICTION, the teen novels HONK IF YOU HATE ME and BIG MOUTH, the picture book LETTERS TO SANTA, and three books in REMIX series for struggling readers. Armed with a master’s degree in American literature and a fascination with pop culture, she sculpts stories from extreme events and places—tattoo parlors, fast-food joints, and, most extreme of all, high schools.
In addition, Deborah is a freelance editor, writing instructor, and founder of the popular writers’ advice website She speaks extensively at workshops and conferences for writers and edits adult fiction and nonfiction while specializing in teen fiction and picture books. She has been working with authors—bestsellers, veterans, debut, and aspiring—for over fifteen years. The books she’s edited have garnered awards and rave reviews, and many of the aspiring writers she’s coached have landed agent representation and lucrative book deals. She lives with her husband and triplet sons in San Diego, California. For more about Deborah, visit
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© Deborah Halverson |
In addition, Deborah is a freelance editor, writing instructor, and founder of the popular writers’ advice website She speaks extensively at workshops and conferences for writers and edits adult fiction and nonfiction while specializing in teen fiction and picture books. She has been working with authors—bestsellers, veterans, debut, and aspiring—for over fifteen years. The books she’s edited have garnered awards and rave reviews, and many of the aspiring writers she’s coached have landed agent representation and lucrative book deals. She lives with her husband and triplet sons in San Diego, California. For more about Deborah, visit
Oh, Deborah, I adore everything about you...except for the fact that you don't like anchovies! LOL! I knew a little bit about your past experience but it was so much fun reading about how you got started, what you were like as a kid, and your guilty writing pleasure. :) I hope you'll be at the NYC conference so you can sign my copy of your book!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Deborah and Elaine, for the interview and giveaway!
Ah, phooey, Theresa, I won't be at that conference. We'll catch up, I'm sure. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm. We get to operate in a fun realm, don't we? Love writing for young people!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on winning the book, Joanna. It will go out in tomorrow's mail!