The Weekly 411 (8/12/16)

© Sansu

Friday, Aug 12, 2016, Issue #33

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to this site each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our updates. If you have links to share, please email them to 


This week we feature founder of Children's Book Insider, The Newsletter for Children's Writers, Laura Backes. Enter to win a seat at this years Picture Book Summit, the premiere one-day online writing conference for picture books.


Agent News: 10 Literary Agents Seeking Picture Books Now

New agent alert: Lauren Spieller of Triada US Literary Agency looking for MG & YA

New agent alert:  Shannon Powers at McIntosh & Otis looking for MG & YA

Read about The Return of the Children's Specialty Bookstore

The Biography Pie

Fiction to Nonfiction and the New Mashups in Between

Nonfiction of Olympic Proportions 

Is Your Idea a Picture Book, Chapter Book, or Middle Grade Novel?

The Four Psychological Stages of #amquerying

  • What: enter to win a critique of your work, plus free books and a subscription to
  • Who: Writers of contemporary or literary YA (no sci-fi or fantasy)
  • Prize: agent's critique (past winners have been signed on)

College Kid Lit Conferences -listing of children's literature conferences around the country

Sept. 20 - Writing Picture Books Live with Ann Whitford Paul, School of Visual Storytelling  Join Ann Whitford Paul who wrote the book on writing picture books (WRITING PICTURE BOOKS: A HANDS ON GUIDE FROM STORY CREATION TO PUBLICATION) for a comprehensive 12-week course with individual critiques. Limited to 20 students.

Kid lit Summer School 2016- summer school is over but you can catch up on four weeks of amazing posts with tips on writing picture books
