The Weekly 411 (11/18/16)

© Toni Yuly

Friday, Nov. 18, 2016, issue #46

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to this site each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our updates. If you have links to share, please email them to 


Over 400 children's authors and illustrators sign A Declaration in Support of Children to fight bigotry and teach empathy & fairness

New agent alert: Molly O'Neill of Waxman Level Literary Agency, seeks YA, MG, some children's illustrators

New agent alert: Stephanie Wills at The Seymour Agency seeks PB, MG, and YA.


This week we feature debut PB author Jodi McKay. Be sure to enter her giveaway for WHERE ARE THE WORDS?, illustrated by Denise Holmes (Albert Whitman).

7 Signs Your Book is "Professionally Published"

  • What: submit a cover design for a chance to win a place in the Make Art that Sells Children's Book Course
  • Prize: 2 spots in her course, valued at £399

TED Talks for Children's Writers and Illustrators, Patricia Toht

When Publishing and Reviewing Diverse Books, is Experience Overrated?

Multicultural Children's Book Day - a day to celebrate multicultural books. Jan. 27, 2017

3 Things Your Traditional Publisher is Unlikely to Do

Children's Book Insider's Picture Book Blueprint walks you through the process of writing a picture book step-by-step, including creating your characters, designing a plot, building excitement, and writing your draft.

Children's Book Insider's Chapter Book Blueprint walks you through the process of writing a chapter book, with author Alice Kuipers. Get the discounted price for a limited time (until Nov. 21).


  1. Thank you so much for including Multicultural Children's Book Day! We have programs to give FREE diversity children's books to parents/teachers/librarians/KidLit Lovers:

    Authors can also donate diversity KidLit to get reviews which will be posted this year on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and/or blogs. There is no charge to authors for this. We also have author sponsorships where the cost correlates to benefits.


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