The Weekly 411 (8/24/18)

© Susi Schaefer

Aug. 24, 2018 vol. 34

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updates. Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie


To celebrate our 7000th member of our Facebook group, we are running a giveaway of a batch of children's books (mostly picture books). Enter to win a batch!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


We are excited to feature debut picture book author Jessie Oliveros and her book, THE REMEMBER BALLOONS, illustrated by Dana Wulfekotte (Simon & Schuster for Young Readers, Aug. 28, 2018).

Today we're excited to feature YA author Alexa Donne, whose debut novel, BRIGHTLY BURNING (HMH Books for Young Readers) came out in May. She runs a Youtube channel for writing and publishing advice and is also the founder of the Author Mentor Match program for YA and MG authors. Be sure to enter to win a copy!

Imagery Writing: Images Are Not All Created Equal

Writing Narrative Endings

Making the Most of School Assemblies

The Authors Answer: What Made Your Best School Visits Great?

Writer's Jealousy - And 3 Thoughts on What To Do About It

3 Story Uses for a Synopsis

What's Going on With CreateSpace and KDP Print?

For Indie Publishers: When and Why to Work with a Trade Book Distributor


If you enjoy this weekly update or our Facebook group of fellow authors and illustrators, please consider supporting Kidlit411. Any amount is appreciated.


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