The Weekly 411 (10/5/2018)

© You Byun

Oct. 5, 2018, vol. 40

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updates. Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie


Don't forget to sign up for renown editor Emma D. Dryden's two-month revision workshop, including 2 webinars and an opportunity to work in small critique groups. We've had the pleasure of attending her workshop in another setting and were blown away! Co-sponsored by Kidlit411 and Inked Voices. 

Illustrators: enter our 2019 Banner Illustration Contest. The theme is either birds on a wire, or your interpretation of Kidlit411! Win cash prizes and your banner on our website.


We are excited to feature author Hannah Holt and her debut picture book, THE DIAMOND AND THE BOY: THE CREATION OF DIAMONDS AND THE LIFE OF H. TRACY HALL, illustrated by Jay Fleck (Balzer + Bray, Oct. 2, 2018). 

Enter to win a copy! 

We're also pleased to feature author-illustrator You Byun and her new book, MILLIE'S MISSING YAWN (Gibbs Smith, Sept. 2018).

Be sure to enter to win a copy.

Oct. 16 #DVPit


If you enjoy this weekly update or our Facebook group of fellow authors and illustrators, please consider supporting Kidlit411. Any amount is appreciated. $12 is the equivalent of $1/month and $24 is $2/month.


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