The Weekly 411 (10/14/22)

© Dow Phumiruk

 Oct. 14, 2022 vol. 41

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updatesAre you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations and camaraderie. This week's illustration is by Dow Phumiruk.

Kid Lit News

Author Spotlights

We are excited to feature author Leah Rose Kessler and her debut picture book, Rat Fair, illustrated by Cleonique Hilsaca (POW! Kids Books 2021). Enter to win a copy!

We are pleased to feature author Catherine Arguelles and her debut middle grade novel, Flip Turns (North Star Editions), out now! Enter to win a copy!

© Carl Pearce

We are excited to feature author Kalyn Josephson and her middle grade novel, Ravenfall (Delacorte Press), out nowEnter to win a copy!

cover art by Ramona Kaulitzki/ design by Suzanne Lee
