The Weekly 411 (3/16/18)

© Jen Kostman

Mar. 16, 2018, vol. 11

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updates. Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie, the Kidlit411 Manuscript Swap to find critique partners, and the Kidlit411 Portfolio Swap for art critiques. 


Today we are excited to feature picture book and middle grade author Sarah Sullivan! Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter to win a copy of her MG novel, ALL THAT'S MISSING (Candlewick Press, 2013)!

Mar 22  The Art and Business of Author Platform with Jane Friedman. Hosted by Inked Voices. March 22nd, 3-4:15pm ET. Learn the essentials of connecting with readers through your author platform. Free to Inked Voices members, $35 for non-members.

April 16-May 10 Inked Voices Young Adult Fiction Workshop, with Andrea Cascardi, Transatlantic Agency. Get feedback on your first 15 pages with literary agent Andrea Cascardi of Transatlantic Agency and about eight other YA writers. Apply for the free #ownvoices spot by 3/25

Eight Basics to Know about the Children's Book Publishing Industry 

Manuscript Submissions -Questions and Answers

How Publishers Build Book Buzz by Sending Out Early Secret Copies

A Definition of Author Platform

Determining Our Own Value & Worth: It's Valuable & Worth It!

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