The Weekly 411 (12/14/18)

© Mike Malbrough

Dec. 14, 2018 vol. 50

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updates. Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie. This week's illustration is by Mike Malbrough.


We are excited to feature young adult author Margo Sorenson! Margo is the author of SECRETS IN TRANSLATION (Regal House Publsihing, June 2018).  Enter to win an ebook!

Today we are pleased to present picture book author Henry Herz, who had three picture books published this fall: HOW THE SQUID GOT TWO LONG ARMS, illustrated by Luke Graber (Pelican August 2018); ALICE'S MAGIC GARDEN, illustrated by Natalie Hoopes (Familius Sept. 2018); and GOOD EGG AND BAD APPLE, illustrated by Luke Graber (Schiffer Oct. 2018). Enter to win 3 stapled galley copies of HOW THE SQUID GOT TWO LONG ARMS.

The Difference between Critique Partners and Beta Readers (and Why You Need Both)

Is Your Kids' Books Blah or Blechhh? These 10 Free Font Pairings Add a Professional Touch

The Complete Guide to Choosing Your Book Cover Font with Examples

Should You Self-Publish Your Book? 5 Essential Questions to Help You Decide

How This Indie Author Landed a Barnes & Noble Book Signing


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